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  • Nettle Leaf Extract 0.4 β-sitosterol | 83-46-5

    Nettle Leaf Extract 0.4 β-sitosterol | 83-46-5

    Product Description: Product Description: Nettle extract is the dried whole herb of Urticadeae. The whole plant can be used as medicine, bitter, acrid, warm in nature and slightly poisonous. The efficacy and role of Nettle leaf extract 0.4% β-sitosterol:  Promote blood circulation and relieve pain: Nettle has the effect of promoting blood circulation and can relieve pain to a certain extent.The compounds released by the skin after contacting it can penetrate into the skin, which can pro...
  • Nettle Leaf Extract 2 Silica | 14808-60-7

    Nettle Leaf Extract 2 Silica | 14808-60-7

    Product Description: Product Description: Nettles are derived from various plants of the Urtica family Urtica L., which are annual and perennial herbs. It has the functions of dispelling wind and dredging collaterals, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, calming the liver and calming convulsions, eliminating accumulation and defecation, and detoxifying. Most of the whole plant or root is used as medicine, and its roots, branches, leaves, flowers and seeds can be used as medici...
  • Shitake Mushroom Extract 40 Polysaccharides | 37339-90-5

    Shitake Mushroom Extract 40 Polysaccharides | 37339-90-5

    Product Description: Product Description: First, mushrooms have the functions of nourishing blood and qi, appetizing food, anti-tumor, slowing aging, etc., and have a certain effect on anemia, rickets, liver cirrhosis, loss of appetite, tumors and other diseases. Second, mushrooms contain polysaccharides, which can improve the body’s immunity, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and enhance the body’s anti-cancer effect. Third, mushrooms are also rich in alkaloids and mushroo...
  • Passionflower Extract Powder | 8057-62-3

    Passionflower Extract Powder | 8057-62-3

    Product Description: Product Description: Passionflower Extract Powder is the whole herbal extract of Passiflora genus Passiflora genus of Passifloraceae. It has the functions of dispelling wind and dampness, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, clearing heat, relieving phlegm and resolving cough. For rheumatic arthralgia, colic pain, dysmenorrhea, neuralgia, insomnia, wind-heat dizziness, nasal congestion and runny nose.   The efficacy and role of Passionflower Extract P...
  • Organic Broccoli Powder

    Organic Broccoli Powder

    Product Description: Product Description: Perhaps the most significant effect of broccoli is that it can prevent and fight cancer. Broccoli contains more vitamin C, which is higher than that of Chinese cabbage, tomato, and celery, especially in the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer and breast cancer. Studies have shown that the level of serum selenium in the human body decreases significantly when suffering from gastric cancer, and the concentration of vitamin C in gastric juice...
  • Selenium Yeast 2000ppm | 8013-01-2

    Selenium Yeast 2000ppm | 8013-01-2

    Product Description: Product Description: Selenium is an essential trace element for the human body. A moderate intake of selenium can increase the level of selenium in the body and increase the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in the body. Because GSH-PX protects the integrity of cell membranes and eliminates free radicals in the body , enhance the immune function of the body and so on, and thus play the role of disease prevention and treatment. The efficacy of Selenium yeast...
  • Valerian Extract 0.8 Valeric Acid | 109-52-4

    Valerian Extract 0.8 Valeric Acid | 109-52-4

    Product Description: Product Description: Valerian dilute acid contained in valerian can effectively induce the secretion of neuropeptide S (NPS), shorten the process of activating homologous receptors (NPSR), trigger intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, restore active sleep, and reduce sleep latency , Shorten the time to fall asleep, improve deep sleep, and refresh after waking up, without hangover effect. 2. Relieve anxiety and depression Valerenic acid and valerenol in valerian extract (v...
  • Lemon Balm Extract Powder 10:1 | 8014-71-9

    Lemon Balm Extract Powder 10:1 | 8014-71-9

    Product Description: Product Description: Lemon Balm extract can be used as a mild anti-anxiety sedative or sedative drug, has the function of improving mental mood, and more and more research shows that it can effectively relieve stress. Rosmarinic acid, as one of the effective components of Lemon Balm, can inhibit GABA transaminase and inhibit the degradation of GABA, thereby increasing the concentration of GABA in the brain, and has the effect of calming, soothing and anti-anxiety. Th...
  • Hoodia Cactus Extract Powder | 8007-78-1

    Hoodia Cactus Extract Powder | 8007-78-1

    Product Description: Product Description: Cactus (scientific name: Opuntiastricta(Haw.) Haw. var. dillenii(Ker-Gawl.) Benson ) is a plant of the genus Cactus. Cactus likes strong sunlight, is resistant to heat, drought, barren, and has tenacious vitality. The optimum temperature for growth is 20-30 °C. Cactus extract is the extract of the roots and stems of Opuntia dillenii Haw, a cactus plant. The efficacy and role of Hoodia Cactus Extract powder: Weight loss effect: (1) Cactus contain...
  • Ginseng Root Extract 10 Ginsenosides | 85013-02-1

    Ginseng Root Extract 10 Ginsenosides | 85013-02-1

    Product Description: Product Description: American ginseng, also known as American ginseng, is a perennial herb of the Araliaceae family, mainly produced in North American countries such as the United States and Canada. American ginseng is a kind of high-grade health care product that is nourishing but not dry, suitable for all ages. American ginseng has the functions of nourishing qi and blood, nourishing yin and kidney, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, delaying agin...
  • Feverfew Extract 0.8 Parthenolide | 84692-91-1

    Feverfew Extract 0.8 Parthenolide | 84692-91-1

    Product Description: Product Description: Feverfew, also known as “Feverfew” (English name Feverfew), has been used as a medicinal material since the first century AD. Modern research has found that a sesquiterpenoid synthesized in it, Kauniolide, has good It has functions such as anti-cancer, inhibiting parasite and bacterial growth, and deciphering its synthesis pathway will help to develop new anti-cancer drugs. This extract can destroy acute myeloid leukemia cells and is ...
  • Flax Seed Extract 20 Linolenic Acid | 463-40-1

    Flax Seed Extract 20 Linolenic Acid | 463-40-1

    Product Description: Product Description: Flaxseed extract has the effect of weight loss: Flaxseed has the effect of digesting a large amount of accumulated fat in the body, which can achieve the effect of weight loss, and flaxseed can also make the skin smooth, tender and shiny, and achieve the effect of skin care. There are also cholesterol-lowering effects: flaxseed can reduce the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, lower blood pressure and blood lipids, and have a ...