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  • Hawthorn Extract 10:1 | 8057-51-0

    Hawthorn Extract 10:1 | 8057-51-0

    Product Description: Product Description: The effect of hawthorn fruit extract is to strengthen the heart first. It can enhance myocardial contractility, increase the output of the heart, and slow down the heart rate. In clinical practice, it can treat rapid arrhythmia and some patients with heart failure. In addition, the extract and total flavonoids can also increase the blood flow of the coronary arteries, thereby reducing the oxygen consumption of the myocardium, which can reduce the...
  • Hawthorn Extract 5% Flavone | 525-82-6

    Hawthorn Extract 5% Flavone | 525-82-6

    Product Description: Product Description: Hawthorn has the functions of lowering blood lipids, blood pressure, strengthening the heart, and anti-arrhythmia. It is also a good medicine for invigorating the spleen and appetizing, digesting food and eliminating stagnation, promoting blood circulation and resolving phlegm. Efficacy. Vitexin, a flavonoid compound in hawthorn, is a drug with strong anti-cancer effect, and its extract has certain effects on inhibiting the growth, proliferation, inva...
  • Gymnema Extract | 90045-47-9

    Gymnema Extract | 90045-47-9

    Product Description: Product Description: Gymnema sylvestre extract is extracted from the dried stems and leaves of Gymnema sylvestre plants. Gymnema sylvestre, also known as Gymnema sylvestris, is distributed in India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, tropical Africa, and my country’s Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Zhejiang and Taiwan. The extract is mainly composed of total triterpenoid saponins, flavonoid glycosides, anthocyanins, polysaccharides and other components. Total s...
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract 10:1 | 90045-23-1

    Garcinia Cambogia Extract 10:1 | 90045-23-1

    Product Description: Product Description: Garcinia cambogia is noted for its anti-obesity effects. Humans began to study it decades ago, and its active ingredients and structure have gradually become clear, and it has been used as a diet food. The main active ingredient of Garcinia Cambogia is hydroxycitric acid on the peel, and the main function of hydroxycitric acid is to hinder the synthesis of fat. When people ingest sugars, these sugars are broken down into glucose, carried into mus...
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract 4:1 | 90045-23-1

    Garcinia Cambogia Extract 4:1 | 90045-23-1

    Product Description: Product Description: Suppress appetiteAnimal cell studies have found that garcinia cambogia extract (HCA hydroxycitric acid) can increase the recovery rate of serotonin by 20% after taking it. The increase in serotonin can make people feel full and may have an appetite suppressant effect. Reduce fat accumulationThe main component of Garcinia Cambogia – hydrated citric acid (HCA) is a natural organic acid that can regulate fat metabolism in the body, inhibit the conve...
  • Echinacea Extract | 90028-20-9

    Echinacea Extract | 90028-20-9

    Product Description: Product Description: Echinacea (scientific name: Echinacea purpurea (Linn.) Moench) is a perennial herb of the genus Echinacea in the Asteraceae family. 50-150 cm high, the whole plant has coarse hairs, the stem is erect; the leaf margins are serrated. Basal leaves Mao-shaped or triangular, cauline leaves Mao-lanceolate, petiole base slightly embracing stem. Capitulum, solitary or mostly clustered on the top of the technique, with large flowers, up to 10 cm in diamet...
  • Crataegus Extract Vitexin | 3681-93-4

    Crataegus Extract Vitexin | 3681-93-4

    Product Description: Product Description: Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease It can dilate blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, improve cardiac vitality, stimulate the central nervous system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, soften blood vessels, and have diuretic and sedative effects. Cardiac effect Good for senile heart disease. Appetizers and digestion In particular, it has a better effect on eliminating stagnation of meat and food. Hawthorn leaves are use...
  • Cnidium Fruit Extract | 484-12-8

    Cnidium Fruit Extract | 484-12-8

    Product Description: Product Description: Cnidium, also known as wild fennel, wild carrot seed, snake rice, snake chestnut, etc., is the dry ripe fruit of Cnidium monnieri, a plant of the Umbelliferae Apiaceae. Cnidium is an annual herb. It prefers warm and humid environment, is not afraid of severe cold and drought, and has wide adaptability. It is distributed in East China, Central and South China and other regions. The efficacy and role of Cnidium Fruit Extract:  Osthole has inhibito...
  • Cnidium Fruit Extract 4:1 | 484-12-8

    Cnidium Fruit Extract 4:1 | 484-12-8

    Product Description: Product Description: Cnidium is a plant, also called wild carrot, which is picked in summer and autumn and has a mild temperament and a slightly bitter taste. Cnidium extract is extracted from the fruit of Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cuss. Cnidium, and its active ingredients are pinene, bornyl isovalarate, parsleyol methyl Ether (osthol), dihydrocarcinol, bergamot lactone (berapten), osthol (cnidiadin), isopimpinellin, etc. It can be used as additives in medicine and healt...
  • Citrus Aurantium Extract Synephrine | 94-07-5

    Citrus Aurantium Extract Synephrine | 94-07-5

    Product Description: Product Description: Citrus Aurantium Extract is extracted and processed from lime as raw material, and contains active ingredients such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and volatile compounds. It has pharmacological effects such as regulating gastrointestinal motility, regulating uterine function, boosting blood pressure, strengthening heart, antioxidant, antibacterial, analgesic, and antithrombotic. The main ingredient of Citrus Aurantium Extract : Citrus Aurantium Extrac...
  • Citrus Aurantium Extract Synephrine

    Citrus Aurantium Extract Synephrine

    Product Description: Product Description: Lime (scientific name: Citrus aurantium L.) is a small tree of the Rutaceae family, citrus, with dense branches and leaves and many thorns. The leaves are dark green in color, thick in texture, obovate wing leaves, and narrow at the base. Racemes with few flowers, buds oval or nearly spherical. The fruit is spherical or oblate, the peel is slightly thick to very thick, difficult to peel, orange-yellow to vermilion, the fruit core is solid or semi...
  • Chaste Tree Berry Extract | 91722-47-3

    Chaste Tree Berry Extract | 91722-47-3

    Product Description: Product Description: Chasteberry is a natural plant – the fruit of the Chasteberry tree, agnus castus, which is a traditional medicinal herb commonly used in Europe.  Relieve premenstrual symptoms and irregular menstrual symptoms, and promote breast health. The efficacy and role of Chaste Tree Berry Extract:  Promote endocrine balance: Although holy berry itself is not a hormone, it can effectively promote the production of progesterone and balance the hormone...