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  • Arctium Lappa Extract 10:1

    Arctium Lappa Extract 10:1

    Product Description: Product Description: Burdock is a herbaceous plant, the dried and ripe fruit of burdock has medicinal value, called burdock seed, and the root of burdock also has high edible value. Burdock is pungent, bitter, cold in nature, and returns to the lung and stomach meridians. The efficacy and role of Arctium lappa Extract 10:1:  The effect of strengthening the brain Burdock root contains various amino acids necessary for the human body, and the content is high, especial...
  • Diosmin 90% | 520-27-4

    Diosmin 90% | 520-27-4

    Product Description: A flavonoid found in citrus fruits and an agonist of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). Mechanism 1. Enhancing venous tension Diosmin enhances venous wall tension, even under high temperature. It causes a stronger venous contraction than other drugs such as rutin. It can still enhance venous tension when the body is in acidosis. . Diosmin has a specific affinity for veins without affecting the arterial system. 2. Improve microcirculation diosmin can significantly r...
  • Cordyceps Sinensis Extract 30% Polysaccharides | 73-03-0

    Cordyceps Sinensis Extract 30% Polysaccharides | 73-03-0

    Product Description: The Cordyceps sinensis extract is extracted from the complex of the ergot fungus Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. parasitic on the larvae of the bat mare larvae and the chemicalbook corpse of the larvae. The main active components are cordycepin and adenosine. It has the functions of enhancing immunity, anti-tumor, protecting kidney, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, protecting cardiovascular system and lowering blood sugar. The efficacy and role of Cordyceps Sinensis Extr...
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract Powder

    Grapefruit Seed Extract Powder

    Product Description: Product Description: Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), also known as Citrus Seed Extract, is a supplement made from grapefruit seeds and pulp. It’s rich in essential oils and antioxidants, which have several potential health benefits. The efficacy and role of Grapefruit Seed Extract Powder:  Antibiotics Grapefruit seed extract contains potent compounds that kill more than 60 types of bacteria and yeast. Test-tube studies have shown that it even works with commonl...
  • Cordyceps Extract

    Cordyceps Extract

    Product Description: Cordyceps sinensis, also known as Cordyceps sinensis, is a fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a precious nourishing medicinal material in ancient China. Its nutritional content is higher than that of ginseng. Whether it is used or eaten, it has a very high nutritional value.          Cordyceps sinensis has a wide range of health effects such as improving the human body’s lack of energy, fatigue, improving human respiratory function and vocal fer...
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract 45%Flavonoids Extract Ratio 4:1

    Grapefruit Seed Extract 45%Flavonoids Extract Ratio 4:1

    Product Description: Product Description: Ganoderma lucidum extracts can induce apoptosis in cancer cells and are also used to treat breast and prostate cancers. Its polysaccharides induce the production of TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) in vitro, which is the same effect as other cancer therapeutics. Polysaccharides also have immunomodulatory abilities, with positive effects on B cells, T cells, dendritic cells, macrophages and natural killer cells. It can support the immune system dur...
  • Cordyceps Extract 15%-50% Polysaccharide

    Cordyceps Extract 15%-50% Polysaccharide

    Product Description: Anti-cold, anti-fatigue Cordyceps can improve the body’s energy factories, mitochondrial energy, improve the body’s cold tolerance, reduce fatigue. Regulate heart function Cordyceps sinensis can improve the ability of the heart to tolerate hypoxia, reduce the consumption of oxygen by the heart, and resist arrhythmia. Regulates the liver Cordyceps sinensis can reduce the damage of toxic substances to the liver and fight against the occurrence of liver fibr...
  • Chinese Fox-Glove Root Extract

    Chinese Fox-Glove Root Extract

    Product Description: Rehmannia glutinosa extract is the fresh or dried root tuber of Rehmannia glutinousa Libosch. Mainly produced in Henan Province. It is cultivated in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces. Excavate in autumn, remove reed heads, fibrous roots and sediment, use fresh or slowly bake Rehmannia to about 80% dry. The former is known as “Xiandihuang” and the latter is called “Shengdi”.   The efficacy and role of Chinese Fox-Glove ...
  • Carrot Extract 10%,20%,97%Beta Carotene | 7235-40-7

    Carrot Extract 10%,20%,97%Beta Carotene | 7235-40-7

    Product Description: Strengthen the spleen and eliminate food, nourish the liver and improve eyesight, clear heat and detoxify, clear rash, reduce qi and relieve cough. For children with malnutrition, measles, night blindness, constipation, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal discomfort, fullness, bloating, etc.Improve the blood circulation of ischemic myocardium and scavenge oxygen free radicals.   Nourishes the liver, improves eyesight, widens the diaphragm, widens the intestines, st...
  • Grape Seed Extract Powder

    Grape Seed Extract Powder

    Product Description: Product Description: Grape seed extract is a pure natural substance.Proanthocyanidins have strong activity and can inhibit carcinogens in cigarettes. The ability to capture free radicals in the aqueous phase is 2 to 7 times that of general antioxidants, such as more than twice the activity of α-tocopherol. The role of grape seed extract: it has anti-oxidation, lightening pigmentation, reducing wrinkles, shielding ultraviolet rays, anti-radiation, scavenging free radi...
  • Barley Green Powder

    Barley Green Powder

    Product Description: Young barley leaves are crushed, juiced and spray-dried.  Barley young leaf powder is rich in nutrients, potassium and calcium are 24.6 times and 6.5 times that of wheat flour and salmon, respectively, while carotene and vitamin C are 130 and 16.4 times that of tomatoes, vitamin B2 is 18.3 times that of milk, vitamin B2 is 18.3 times that of milk. E and folic acid are 19.6 times and 18.3 times that of wheat flour respectively, and also contain various enzymes such as...
  • Grape Seed Extract 95% Polyphenols

    Grape Seed Extract 95% Polyphenols

    Product Description: Product Description: Introduction of Grape seed extract: Grape seed extract is a nutritious food refined from the effective active nutrients extracted from natural grape seeds. Grape seed extract is a new high-efficiency natural antioxidant substance extracted from grape seeds that cannot be synthesized in the human body. It is the substance with the strongest antioxidant and free radical scavenging ability found in nature. Its antioxidant activity is 50 times that o...