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  • Fluorochloridone | 61213-25-0

    Fluorochloridone | 61213-25-0

    Product Specification: Item Fluorochloridone Technical Grades(%) 95 Effective concentration(%) 25 Product Description: Fluorochloridone is used as a pyrrolidone herbicide, etc. Application: (1) Fluroxypyrrolidone is a pyrrolidone herbicide that is an inhibitor of carotenoid synthesis and can be used to control wisp, ivy leaf, bracken and corydalis in winter wheat and winter rye fields, and amaranth, horsetail and lobelia in cotton fields. (2) Carrots grown...
  • Florasulam | 145701-23-1

    Florasulam | 145701-23-1

    Product Specification: Item Florasulam Technical Grades(%) 97 Suspension(%) 5 Product Description: Diclosulam is a soybean field herbicide. Diflubenzuron is mainly used for post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds in winter wheat fields. Application: (1) Diflubenzuron is mainly used as a post-emergence stem and leaf treatment in wheat fields to prevent broadleaf weeds, including Artemisia annua, Capsicum capillarum, wild oilseed rape, pig’s tongue, ...
  • Diflufenican | 83164-33-4

    Diflufenican | 83164-33-4

    Product Specification: Item Diflufenican Technical Grades(%) 98 Water dispersible (granular) agents(%) 50 Product Description: It is an amide-type herbicide that is applied before and after weed germination to form a soil layer that is resistant to leaching and remains active throughout the crop growth period. When the weeds germinate, the young shoots or roots can absorb the herbicide through the soil layer, and the carotenoid biosynthesis is inhibited by picl...
  • Cyhalofop-butyl | 122008-85-9

    Cyhalofop-butyl | 122008-85-9

    Product Specification: Item Cyhalofop-butyl Technical Grades(%) 95 Effective concentration(%) 10,20 Product Description: Cyhalofop-butyl is a systemic herbicide of the oxybenzoic acid class, mainly used in rice seedling fields, direct seeding fields and transplanting fields to control most of the malignant grass weeds such as barnyardgrass, goldenrod and cowslip, and can effectively control weeds resistant to dichloroquinolinic acid, sulfonylurea and amide herb...
  • Carfentrazone-Ethyl | 128639-02-1

    Carfentrazone-Ethyl | 128639-02-1

    Product Specification: Item Carfentrazone-Ethyl Technical Grades(%) 95 Water dispersible (granular) agents(%) 40 Product Description: Flutriafol is a triazolone herbicide and a derivative of flutriafol. Flufenoxuron ethyl has been found to be suitable for use against complex weed flora in wheat. Application: (1) Carfentrazone-Ethyl has been found to be suitable for use against complex weed flora in wheat. Package: 25 kgs/bag or as you request. Storage: Sto...
  • Butachlor | 23184-66-9

    Butachlor | 23184-66-9

    Product Specification: Item Butachlor Technical Grades(%) 95 Effective concentration(%) 60 Product Description: Butachlor is an amide-based systemic conductive selective pre-emergence herbicide, also known as dechlorfenac, metolachlor and methomyl, which is a light yellow oily liquid with a slightly aromatic odour. It is insoluble in water and easily soluble in a variety of organic solvents. It is chemically stable at room temperature and under neutral and weak...
  • Bispyribac-sodium | 125401-92-5

    Bispyribac-sodium | 125401-92-5

    Product Specification: Item Bispyribac-sodium Technical Grades(%) 95 Suspension(%) 40 Wettablepowder(%) 20 Product Description: Dicamba is a paddy field herbicide that is effective against barnyardgrass and double-spotted barnyardgrass (red miscanthus and overgrown barnyardgrass) and can be used against older barnyardgrass and barnyardgrasses that have developed resistance to other herbicides. Application: (1) Pyrimidine-salicylic acid herbicides are...
  • Alachlor | 15972-60-8

    Alachlor | 15972-60-8

    Product Specification: Item Alachlor Technical Grades(%) 95,93 Effective concentration(%) 48 Product Description: Alachlor is also known as lasso, weed lock and grass not green. It is an amide-type systemic selective herbicide. It is a milky white non-volatile crystal that enters the plant and inhibits protease, blocking protein synthesis and causing the buds and roots to stop growing and die. It is suitable for use on soybean, peanut, cotton, corn, rape, wheat...
  • Trifloxystrobin | 141517-21-7

    Trifloxystrobin | 141517-21-7

    Product Specification: Item Trifloxystrobin Technical Grades(%) 96 Water dispersible (granular) agents(%) 50 Product Description: Trifloxystrobin belongs to the class of methoxyacrylates and is a highly effective fungicide for agricultural use. It is highly effective, broad-spectrum, protective, curative, eradicative, penetrating, systemically active, rainwater resistant and has a long shelf life. Application: (1) Oxime is a methoxyacrylate fungicide with ...
  • Tebuconazole | 107534-96-3

    Tebuconazole | 107534-96-3

    Product Specification: Item Tebuconazole Technical Grades(%) 97,98 Suspension(%) 43 Effective concentration(%) 25 Product Description: Tebuconazole is a triazole fungicide used for seed treatment or foliar spraying of economically important crops. Due to its strong systemic absorption, it can be used to treat seeds to kill the pathogens attached to the surface of the seeds and can also be conducted upwards in the crop to kill the pathogens in the crop; it...
  • Pyrimethanil | 53112-28-0

    Pyrimethanil | 53112-28-0

    Product Specification: Item Pyrimethanil Technical Grades(%) 98 Suspension(%) 40 Wettable powder(%) 20 Product Description: Pyrimethanil belongs to the benzamidopyrimidine group of fungicides and is effective against grey mould. Its unique mechanism of fungicidal action kills pathogens by inhibiting the secretion of pathogen-infecting enzymes and preventing their infestation, thus providing protection and treatment, as well as internal absorption and fumi...
  • Pyraclostrobin | 175013-18-0

    Pyraclostrobin | 175013-18-0

    Product Specification: Item Pyraclostrobin Technical Grades(%) 97.5 Suspension(%) 25 Product Description: Pyraclostrobin is a broad-spectrum fungicide of the methoxyacrylate family, a mitochondrial respiration inhibitor with protective, curative and eradicating effects on crop diseases. Application: (1) Pyraclostrobin is a new broad-spectrum fungicide. Package: 25 kgs/bag or as you request. Storage: Store at a ventilated, dry place. Executive Standard: Int...