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Fine Chemical

  • Valeryl chloride | 638-29-9

    Valeryl chloride | 638-29-9

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Valeryl chloride Properties Colorless liquid Density(g/cm3) 1.016 Melting Point(°C) -110 Boiling point(°C) 125 Flash point (°C) 91 Vapour Pressure(25°C) 10.6mmHg Solubility Soluble in organic solvents such as ether. Product Application: 1.Valeryl chloride is commonly used in organic synthesis in acylation reactions for the introduction of Valeryl groups into other molecules to produce acylated products. 2.It is ...
  • Butyryl chloride | 141-75-3

    Butyryl chloride | 141-75-3

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Butyryl chloride Properties Colorless transparent liquid with an irritating odor of hydrochloric acid Density(g/cm3) 1.026 Melting Point(°C) -89 Boiling point(°C) 102 Flash point (°C) 71 Vapour Pressure(20°C) 39hPa Solubility Miscible in ether. Product Application: 1.Chemical synthesis intermediates:  Butyryl chloride can be used as an important starting material and reagent in organic synthesis. 2.Acylation rea...
  • Propionyl chloride | 79-03-8

    Propionyl chloride | 79-03-8

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Propionyl chloride Properties Colorless liquid with irritating odor Density(g/cm3) 1.059 Melting Point(°C) -94 Boiling point(°C) 77 Flash point (°C) 53 Vapour Pressure(20°C) 106hPa Solubility Soluble in ethanol. Product Application: 1.Propionyl chloride is used in organic synthesis for acylation reactions, usually for the introduction of propionyl groups. 2.It is also used in the preparation of chemicals such as...
  • Isobutyraldehyde | 78-84-2

    Isobutyraldehyde | 78-84-2

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Butyraldehyde Properties Colorless liquid with strong irritating odor Density(g/cm3) 0.79 Melting Point(°C) -65 Boiling point(°C) 63 Flash point (°C) -40 Water solubility(25°C) 75g/L Vapour Pressure(4.4°C) 66mmHg Solubility Miscible in ethanol, benzene, carbon disulfide, acetone, toluene, chloroform and ether, slightly soluble in water. Product Application: 1.Industrial use:  Isobutyraldehyde is commonly used ...
  • Butyraldehyde | 123-72-8

    Butyraldehyde | 123-72-8

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Butyraldehyde Properties Colorless transparent liquid with asphyxiating aldehydic odor Density(g/cm3) 0.817 Melting Point(°C) -96 Boiling point(°C) 75 Flash point (°C) 12 Water solubility(25°C) 7.1g/100mL Vapour Pressure(20°C) 90mmHg Solubility Slightly soluble in water. Miscible with ethanol, ether, ethyl acetate, acetone, toluene, many other organic solvents and oils. Product Application: 1.Butyraldehyde is ...
  • Benzaldehyde | 100-52-7

    Benzaldehyde | 100-52-7

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Benzaldehyde Properties Light Yellow liquid with aromatic fragrance odor Density(g/cm3) 1.044 Melting Point(°C) -26 Boiling point(°C) 178 Flash point (°C) 145 Vapour Pressure(45°C) 4mmHg Solubility Miscible with ethanol, ether, volatile and non-volatile oils, slightly soluble in water. Product Application: 1.Fragrance industry:  Benzaldehyde is widely used as an ingredient in flavours and fragrances and is commonl...
  • 2-ethylhexanal | 123-05-7

    2-ethylhexanal | 123-05-7

    Product Physical Data: Product Name 2-ethylhexanal Properties Colorless transparent liquid Density(g/cm3) 0.809 Melting Point(°C) -76 Boiling point(°C) 163 Flash point (°C) 42.2 Vapour Pressure(25°C) 2.11mmHg Solubility Slightly soluble in water. Product Application: 1.2-Ethylhexanal is widely used in industry, mainly in organic synthesis reactions, such as for the preparation of fragrances, dyes and pesticides. It is also used as a raw material f...
  • Isobutyric anhydride | 97-72-3

    Isobutyric anhydride | 97-72-3

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Isobutyric anhydride Properties Colorless transparent liquid with an irritating odor Density(g/cm3) 0.954 Melting Point(°C) -56 Boiling point(°C) 182 Flash point (°C) 152 Vapour Pressure(67°C) 10mmHg Solubility Soluble in most organic solvents such as alcohols, ethers and esters. Product Application: 1.Isobutyric anhydride can be used as an important reagent in organic synthesis, commonly used in esterification, e...
  • Valeric anhydride | 2082-59-9

    Valeric anhydride | 2082-59-9

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Valeric anhydride Properties Colorless transparent liquid with an irritating odor Density(g/cm3) 0.944 Melting Point(°C) -56 Boiling point(°C) 228 Flash point (°C) 214 Vapour Pressure(25°C) 5Pa Solubility Slightly soluble in chloroform and methanol. Product Application: 1.Valeric anhydride is mainly used as a reagent and intermediate in organic synthesis. 2.It can be used to prepare compounds with different functi...
  • n-Butyric anhydride | 106-31-0

    n-Butyric anhydride | 106-31-0

    Product Physical Data: Product Name n-Butyric anhydride Properties Colorless transparent liquid with a light fragrant odor Density(g/cm3) 0.967 Melting Point(°C) -75 Boiling point(°C) 198 Flash point (°C) 190 Water solubility(20°C) Decomposes Vapour Pressure(79.5°C) 10mmHg Solubility Soluble in alcohols, ethers and some organic solvents, soluble in water. Product Application: n-Butyric anhydride is mainly used as an acylation reagent in organic ...
  • Propionic anhydride | 123-62-6

    Propionic anhydride | 123-62-6

    Product Physical Data: Product Name Propionic anhydride Properties Colorless transparent liquid Density(g/cm3) 1.015 Melting Point(°C) -42 Boiling point(°C) 167 Flash point (°C) 73 Water solubility(20°C) hydrolyses Vapour Pressure(57°C) 10mmHg Solubility Soluble in methanol, ethanol, ether, chloroform and alkali, decomposes in water. Product Application: 1.Chemical synthesis:  Propionic anhydride is an important raw material for many chemical re...
  • n-Valeric acid | 109-52-4

    n-Valeric acid | 109-52-4

    Product Physical Data: Product Name n-Valeric acid Properties Colorless liquid with a fruity odor Density(g/cm3) 0.939 Melting Point(°C) -20~-18 Boiling point(°C) 110-111 Flash point (°C) 192 Water solubility(20°C) 40g/L Vapour Pressure(20°C) 0.15mmHg Solubility Soluble in water, ethanol and ether. Product Application: Valeric acid has several industrial uses. One major application is as a solvent in industries such as paints, dyes, and adhesi...